Deploy GKE/AKS cluster and install Agones using Terraform

Install a Kubernetes cluster and Agones declaratively using Terraform.


  • Terraform v0.12.3
  • Helm package manager 2.10.0+
  • Access to the the Kubernetes hosting provider you are using (e.g. gcloud or az utility installed)
  • Git

Installing Agones on Google Kubernetes Engine using a Terraform submodule

You can use Terraform to provision a GKE cluster and install Agones on it.

The first step is to enable the Kubernetes Engine API. From the Cloud Console, navigate to APIs & Services > Dashboard, then click Enable APIs and Services. Type kubernetes in the search box to find the Kubernetes Engine API. Click Enable.

Install gcloud utility by following these instructions.

Example configuration

An example configuration can be found here: Terraform configuration with Agones submodule . Copy the file into a local directory where you will execute the terraform commands.

The GKE cluster created from the example configuration will contain 3 Node Pools:

  • "default" node pool with "game-server" tag, containing 4 nodes.
  • "agones-system" node pool for Agones Controller.
  • "agones-metrics" for monitoring and metrics collecting purpose.

Additionally, a "tiller" service account will be created with ClusterRole.

Configurable parameters:

  • project - your Google Cloud Project ID (required)
  • name - the name of the GKE cluster (default is “agones-terraform-example”)
  • agones_version - the version of agones to install (default is the latest version from the Helm repository)
  • machine_type - machine type for hosting game servers (default is “n1-standard-4”)
  • node_count - count of game server nodes for the default node pool (default is “4”)

Creating the cluster

In the directory where you created, run:

terraform init

This will cause terraform to clone the Agones repository and use the ./build folder as starting point of Agones submodule, which contains all necessary Terraform configuration files.

Next make sure that you can authenticate using gcloud:

gcloud auth application-default login

Now you can create your GKE cluster (optionally specifying the version of Agones you want to use):

terraform apply -var project="<YOUR_GCP_ProjectID>" [-var agones_version="1.0.0"]

To verify that the cluster was created successfully, set up your kubectl credentials:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials --zone us-west1-c agones-terraform-example

Then check that you have access to kubernetes cluster:

kubectl get nodes

You should have 6 nodes in Ready state.

To verify that Agones was installed successfully, check for any gameservers:

kubectl get gameservers

You should see none (but no errors).

Uninstall the Agones and delete GKE cluster

To delete all resources provisioned by Terraform:

terraform destroy

Installing the Agones as Terraform submodule on Azure Kubernetes Service

You can deploy Kubernetes cluster on Azure Kubernetes Service and install Agones using terraform.

Install az utility by following these instructions.

The example of AKS submodule configuration could be found here: Terraform configuration with Agones submodule

Copy file into a separate folder.

Login to Azure CLI:

az login

Configure your terraform:

terraform init

Now you can deploy your cluster (use variables from the above az ad sp create-for-rbac command output):

terraform apply -var client_id="<appId>" -var client_secret="<password>"

Once you created all resources on AKS you can get the credentials so that you can use kubectl to configure your cluster:

az aks get-credentials --resource-group agonesRG --name test-cluster

Check that you have access to kubernetes cluster:

kubectl get nodes

Uninstall the Agones and delete AKS cluster

Run next command to delete all Terraform provisioned resources:

terraform destroy


Details on how you can authenticate your AKS terraform provider using official instructions

Last modified November 20, 2019: Fix MD files in the repo (#1191) (a434ffeb)